Side panel-Buddhist scriptures with lights
Product brand: Gutler
Product Remarks:Specifications,materials,colors and manufacturing processes can be customized according to actual needs
The function of decorating and protecting the side of the box can also be conveniently managed at a glance according to the on-site identification of the storage rack.
Humanized design
The assemhlv of the ton and hottom aluminim alloy and the door nanel is connertedhy a snecial connerting niere which is hoth heautiful anc avoids co isionand scratching by personne.
Safety settings: Each acupoint can bear more than 100 ka weight
Box structure:All the products of the company adopt the combination of assembling,locking,reinforced and whole materials to reduce the
processing methods such as spot welding,cutting,drilling and various materials,and improve the integrity of the whole box. The stability of the use of later products.
Reasonable plannina:Aproducts are areatly reduced in space and eneray consumption in terms of structure and usade. and improve the cosi performance of products into development and design
The places you can see,the quality is reliablethe places you can’t seeand the security.
Product Composition
The ashes storage rack is composed of a box,a panel,a sidepanel,a top cover,a base,a corner,a sealing plate,and the like, and a related component such as a Buddhist table, a hanging frame a Buddhist altar and the like
Side panel:It is used to decorate and protect the side of the boxand it can be easily managed at a glance according to the on-site identification of the storage rack.
The buddha frame is composed of a box body,a curtain.a door panela side panel,a top cover,a base,a corner,a sealing plate, and the like, and a platfom, a hanging, a Buddhist scorpion and the like.
Side pane:It is used to decorate and protect the side of the box.and it can be easily manaaed at a lance accordina to the site
The long-lived card position is composed of a box bodya door panel,a side panel,a top cover,a base,a corner,a floor, and a sealing plate
Side pane:It is used to decorate and protect the side of the box.and it can be easily manaaed at a lance accordina to the site
Product Material
Metal plate: The surface is nano-sprayed with Thai gold treatmentwhich enhances the scratch resistance and oxidation resistance of the panela the tensile strength is not less than 220N/mm2and it does not fade or deform within 50 vears.
Aluminum alloy profile: surface polishing,anodized gold sand treatment,the surface of the profile is enhanced by scratch resistance and oxidation resistance.and the tensile strenath is not less than 220N/mm2Does not fade in 50 vears without deformation
1.After assembly in each standard column.the limit deviation of the outer dimensions(lenath.width.heiaht)is +1mm
2. After each standard column is assembled,the gap between the door panel and the box is less than 1mm,and the gap between the side panel and the frame is less than 1mm
3.The top and the base have a deviation of parallelism of not more than 1mm/m and a total length of not more than 1 mm;the deviation of parallelism on the same section is not more than 1mm/m,and the total length is not more than 1 mm.
4,with light products,the surface of the box should not be exposed,a ballast device for every 200 doors,a safety protection device for every thousand doors.
5.The limit deviation of the unfilled tolerance dimension of the part is in accordance with IT13-14 in GB1804
Patent forinvention
Reprinted: Gutler’s patented products are the result of years of investment and development by the company. They have national patent rights and are protected by law. If there is a copythey will be held liable.